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How Do I Register An Official WeChat Account As A Non-Chinese Business?

Welcome to the second in our series of articles on the mighty WeChat and how you can register an Official WeChat Account. There are so many useful things about this app that we’ll be covering a lot ground on the platform that has taken China by storm, and is now attracting more and more attention globally. If you need an introduction to the platform then head for our introductory article on why you should consider WeChat for business.

As with many things Chinese, there is a firm dividing line between how Chinese and non-Chinese operations are dealt with. If you want to get started with your Official Account, register with us here and we’ll be in touch, otherwise, here’s our guide to help you along the way….

Applying For An Official WeChat Account As A Non-Chinese Business

Currently the process for registering is a little unclear. If you want to register for an official WeChat account go to:

You will need to outline to WeChat how you plan to use your account.

Official Service Account Or Subscription account?

This is the biggest decision you need to make when applying when applying for your official WeChat account as a non-Chinese business

Service Account:

  • Access advanced WeChat public platform features
  • 4 broadcasts per month.
  • Business has a 48 hour window to reply to user messages
  • Push notifications
  • Custom menus for all service accounts
  • Payments (API) supported for all verified accounts

Subscription Account:

  • Better for businesses that want to put out content on a more regular basis
  • No Push notifications
  • Business has a 48 hour window to reply to user messages
  • Businesses must be verified and use WeChat API. No customisation
  • No support for payments

Remember to mention whether or not you wish to have access to WeChat’s advanced features and developer tools. If you don’t put it in your proposal, it will more than likely be left out.

Proving you have a genuine business

Business credentials for validation of the account are extremely important. These should include a business phone number, business e-mail address, and some type of documentation to prove genuine existence of the company ( e.g. a copy of a tax form or a company registration document).

The more documents you can send, the better. Give copies of anything that further validates the existence of the business- even send business cards!

One of the problems for non-Chinese registered companies is that WeChat hasn’t given any public guidelines for applications.

Judging from WeChats behaviour until now, we would predict that the platform is seeking to be selective with handing out applications to companies that are more likely to invest in innovation in the development of their campaigns, as well as promoting their WeChat presence in other areas.

Larger companies are generally favoured, as they are perceived to have better marketing and bigger budgets. They also promote WeChat as a safe and trustworthy platform. Bear that in mind when making your application for an Official WeChat Account.

After your account is approved, WeChat will send your WeChat ID and password, which you will need to log-in at:

You can also check the progress of your application using your email address and application number here.

There have been a lot of reports of slow responses from WeChat when replying to applications. You can follow up on your application up by e-mailing:

Not All WeChat Accounts Are Created Equal

It’s important to note that:

  • Non-Chinese WeChat users have access to Both Chinese and Non-Chinese official accounts.
  • Chinese WeChat users only have access Chinese registered accounts.

Still Have Any Questions?

If you’re in need of some advice on WeChat Official Accounts, post a comment or send us your questions at Eggplant Digital.

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. I was looking a WeChat channel in communicate with our Chinese customer. Where i was wonder can WeChat have function like Facebook Page where can have several administrator in controlling the account?

    1. Hi Jenny, if you have registered an official company account, then you will be able to add up to 4 account managers, who are able to post articles or answer messages, but don’t have the full administrator access.

  2. Can we still apply for a Subscription account without being a registered company yet? The purpose would be to share articles etc
    Let’s say for projects/start ups etc

  3. I’ve just created a Wechat account for my business. As I’m from Perú (South America), I would like to know what should I put on contact number is my country does not appear on the list? Also I would like to know if it is possible to attach any documents needed in our native language (spanish)?

    1. Hello, We checked on our accounts and a WeChat personal account should have Peru in the country list, but a WeChat public account setting has no need to choose a county. For the documents, you should be able copy and paste the document content and then post, but not necessarily attach for people to view/download. I hope that helps!

  4. Hello,

    I would like to open a Wechat service account in China for promoting a Business School from Sweden, but after doing research I realized that without a Chinese company or a Wfoe I cannot do it. Do you offer this service, just to open a Service account and then let us manage it (I have a Chinese student who will help me here)


    1. I am working on a Chinese project in India and need login with wechat feature in that.
      My question is that do I need to register for wechat official account or not ?
      Thanks for your help.

  5. Hi, I want to open the Wechat Shop. Need to use in Russia. How can I do it? If I don`t need any registration of my company in China. Thank you and waiting for your soon reply.

  6. Hi everyone,
    do you know how to set up wechat payment opt on your website, so clients can directly purchase product from the website. How to apply and how long it will take?
    Thank you!

  7. Hello,

    And thank you for this article! I think however that it’s very important to outline that Non-Chinese companies that apply for an Official Wechat account via (which is the International Wechat platform) won’t practically have any visibility on the Chinese market, because their Official Wechat accounts won’t be accessible by users of the Chinese version of the application. And the vast majority of Chinese use the Chinese version of Wechat.


    1. Thank you Velizara, yes that’s right. The international and China markets are kept separate for the time being.

  8. Hello,

    I’m a bit unclear about the correct course of action for the proposal form in WeChat offical account application

    I was hoping you could provide some guidance ?



  9. Hello! Thanks for coming up with this post, it’s very helpful.

    I just would like to reconfirm, all non-Chinese accounts will not be accessible to Chinese users, is that correct?

    Then this would mean that if I were to create an official account to specifically target Chinese market, I will not be able to do so as I am not from China?

    Would appreciate your help on that. Thank you so much!

  10. how do I register an official public wechat account for a Chinese owned business but in English ? any help would be greatly appreciated , Thanks

    1. You would register an Official Account in the normal way for a Chinese business, then as the administrator of the account you can set the bottom menu in English (but there is a word length limitation) and the Official Account name/description can also be written in English. There are elements in the account such as the “Read More” button that display based on the user’s phone language.

      Unfortunately though the WeChat Official Account Dashboard (for Chinese accounts) is in Chinese only.

  11. Hi ! I know the limitation that Chinese WeChat users only have access Chinese registered accounts. But I found some non-Chinese official accounts, like Vodafone NZ and Jurlique AU (registered overseas) , can be accessed by Chinese users.

    1. Yes it is an interesting point. It seems the rules can be bent if you are bigger brand or company that is spending a certain amount on advertisement, or have significant partnerships in China. It’s the grey area 🙂

  12. Hi, i’ve registered my company Wechat Subscription Official Account. but the problem is, my COO want to change the display name from “Success Transformer Corp. Bhd.” to ““Success Electronics & Transformer Manufacturer”. But there is option to change the display name. FYI my OA has been verified. I’ve try to reach Tencent and my regional wechat office but no response. Just trying my luck asking here.

    1. Hi Adib! Interestingly our comparison of a China OA and an International OA shows that the China OA can edit the display name, however the International OA does not have that option on the backend. So unfortunately it looks like your only option is to keep trying to contact WeChat to see if they can assist to do it.

  13. I have question, I’m foreigner and I have my company registered in China. I tried to open the Wechat Official Account but I couldn’t because they need a Chinese ID to open it. I used my chinese friend ID but of course it didn’t match with the name in my company business license. So they declined. Is it possible to open the account with a registered chinese company being a foreigner without Chinese ID?

    1. Hi Nat, we have opened accounts where the Chinese person’s ID is not the name in the company business license, so I don’t think this should be an issue. If you’d like us to look at your case further, please contact us.

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